Express yourself naturally
Not out of the ordinary,
I want you to live your daily life.
We don't want people to experience Yakushima as something out of the ordinary and then go home, but rather we want them to share our everyday lives and experience it as a different "everyday" experience to their life in the city.
This is because we want people who visit the island to be able to bring their natural selves back to their everyday lives in the city.
We don't want to treat you like a "customer," but rather like you as a person.
Although we cannot provide hospitable services, we hope to create a space where dialogue and connections can take place.

This is not a hotel, it's a commons.
This is a place where tourists can stay, like an inn. However, what we are trying to do is not to run an accommodation business, but to create a commons.
The word "commons" means "shared property." We want this place to be open to everyone, not owned or monopolized by a specific person, and to be a place that everyone can think of as "their own space," but that is shared with others. We are trying to develop this space with the intention of "eliminating boundaries."
When we are surrounded by beautiful nature, we become our natural selves, free from any constraints.
Whether you have a role to play, are in a hurry, make yourself look bigger or smaller. Leave the city mode aside for a moment and just be yourself. Express what comes to you as it is.
It becomes art created by each individual. People who live in the city become natural expressive people. We want to create a space for people who live like that. This place began to be created with that idea in mind.
Årc is also our art.
Creating a physical space
Land and Architecture
The architecture is designed to create an environment where people can spend time as individuals and where gatherings with others naturally occur.
The designer is architect Toshihiro Fujiki, whose approach to architecture as something that is open to connections and society overlaps with Årc's philosophy.

Peak Studio
Shunta Fujiki